Dear Brittany,

On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 17:35:38 -0600
 Brittany Demmitt <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a series of 40 variables that I am trying to transform via the boxcox 
> method using the powerTransfrom function in R.  I have no zero values in any 
> of my variables.  When I run the powerTransform function on the full data set 
> I get the following warning. 
> Warning message:
> In sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))) : NaNs produced
> However, when I analyze the variables in groups, rather than all 40 at a time 
> I do not get this warning message.  Why would this be? And does this mean 
> this warning is safe to ignore?

No, it is not safe to ignore the warning, and the problem has nothing to do 
with non-positive values in the data -- when you say that there are no 0s in 
the data, I assume that you mean that the data values are all positive. The 
square-roots of the diagonal entries of the Hessian at the (pseudo-) ML 
estimates are the SEs of the estimated transformation parameters. If the 
Hessian can't be inverted, that usually implies that the maximum of the 
(pseudo-) likelihood isn't well defined. 

This isn't surprising when you're trying to transform as many as 40 variables 
at a time to multivariate normality. It's my general experience that people 
often throw their data into the Box-Cox black box and hope for the best without 
first examining the data, and, e.g., insuring a reasonable ratio of 
maximum/minimum values for each variable, checking for extreme outliers, etc. 
Of course, I don't know that you did that, and it's perfectly possible that you 
were careful.

> I would like to add that all of my lambda values are in the -5 to 5 range.  I 
> also get different lambda values when I analyze the variables together versus 
> in groups.  Is this to be expected?

Yes. It's very unlikely that both are right. If, e.g., the variables are 
multivariate normal within groups then their marginal distribution is a mixture 
of multivariate normals, which almost surely isn't itself normal.

I hope this helps,

John Fox, Professor
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> Thank you so much!
> Brittany
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