On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Андрей Парамонов wrote:

I use R 2.7.0 on GNU/Linux. I have noticed a problem in cbind method
for multivariate time series (ts) objects. Consider the following

t <- ts(data.frame(a = 10:20, b = 20:30, c = 30:40, d = 40:50))
t1 <- t[, c('a', 'b')]
t2 <- t[, c('c', 'd')]

[1] "a" "b"
[1] "c" "d"
colnames(cbind(t1, t2))
[1] "t1.a" "t1.b" "t2.c" "t2.d"

Although it seems to be the documented behavior, I think it would be
more consistent if the latter returned c("a", "b", "c", "d")

Consistent with what? This is how all such combinations of matrices in R work, and avoids duplicate names.

instead. Is there a nice way to achieve this? Thanks!

Use colnames() to change the names -- it is just a matrix.

tt <- cbind(t1, t2)
colnames(tt) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")

Andrey Paramonov

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