hi, if i copy and paste this (pretty straightforward) code into R 3.2.2's
32-bit console, the program dies.  if i use 64-bit R, the console doesn't
die, but the process ends with a weird line-ending warning.  i'm under the
impression that if the console crashes, it's a bug?  but i wanted to check
with r-help that i'm not doing something silly before filing a formal bug

i get the same crash using 3.2.1 but do not need setInternet2( FALSE )

if i use 3.2.22 with setInternet2( TRUE ) then the download throws an
internet connectivity error (but the console does not crash)


# R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
# Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
# Running under: Windows 8 x64 (build 9200)

# locale:
# [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
# [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
# [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
# [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

# attached base packages:
# [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

setInternet2( FALSE )

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1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,
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"B_16", "BOX7", "B_17", "B_18", "B_19", "B_20", "B_21", "B_22",
"B_23", "B_24", "B25A", "B25B", "B25C", "B25D", "B25E", "B25F",
"B_26", "B_27", "B_28", "B29A", "B29B", "B29C", "B29D", "B29E",
"B29F", "B29G", "B_30", "BOX8", "BLIVEBIR", "LASTPREG", "B12_1",
"B31LB_1", "B31OZ_1", "B32_1", "BOX10_1", "B33A_1", "B33B_1",
"B33C_1", "B33D_1", "B33E_1", "B33F_1", "B34_1", "B35_1", "B36_1",
"B37_1", "B38_1", "BOX11_1", "B39_1", "B40_1", "B41MO_1", "BOX12_1",
"B42_1", "B43_1", "B44_1", "B12_2", "B31LB_2", "B31OZ_2", "B32_2",
"BOX10_2", "B33A_2", "B33B_2", "B33C_2", "B33D_2", "B33E_2",
"B33F_2", "B34_2", "B35_2", "B36_2", "B37_2", "B38_2", "BOX11_2",
"B39_2", "B40_2", "B41MO_2", "BOX12_2", "B42_2", "B43_2", "B44_2",
"B12_3", "B31LB_3", "B31OZ_3", "B32_3", "BOX10_3", "B33A_3",
"B33B_3", "B33C_3", "B33D_3", "B33E_3", "B33F_3", "B34_3", "B35_3",
"B36_3", "B37_3", "B38_3", "BOX11_3", "B39_3", "B40_3", "B41MO_3",
"BOX12_3", "B42_3", "B43_3", "B44_3", "B_45", "B_46", "C12A",
"C13F1MO", "C13T1MO", "C13F2MO", "C13T2MO", "C13F3MO", "C13T3MO",
"C_14", "C15M1", "C16M1MO", "C17M1MO", "C15M2", "C16M2MO", "C17M2MO",
"C15M3", "C16M3MO", "C17M3MO", "C15M4", "C16M4MO", "C17M4MO",
"C18MO", "C_19", "C_20", "C_21", "C_22", "C_23", "C_24", "C_25",
"BIRTH071", "BIRTH072", "BIRTH073", "PREGNUM7", "PREGNUM8", "W_1",
"W_2", "W_3", "W_4", "W_5", "FLAG341", "FLAG372", "FLAG373",
"FLAG374", "FLAG375", "FLAG376", "FLAG426", "FLAG427", "FLAG614",
"FLAG621", "FLAG991", "FLAG992", "REPWGT1", "REPWGT2", "REPWGT3",

x <-
        file = "
        widths = widths ,
        col.names = varnames ,
        comment.char = "" ,
        colClasses = "character" ,
        buffersize = 50 ,
        n = 1000 ,
        skip = 0

        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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