Something like this might help you get started.

Simulation <-
  c(10403, NA, NA, NA, NA, 11178, NA, NA, NA, NA, 11521, NA, NA,
  NA, NA, 11385, NA, NA, NA, NA, 10102, NA, NA, NA, NA, 10544.013,
  10339.925, 9912.695, 9928.198, 9932.112, 9008.05, 9437.174, 10406.784,
  10832.123, 11095.868, 10955.094, 10804.075, 9002.848, 11276.038,
  10503.487, 11899.525, 10085.509, 9109.918, 8953.339, 10135.833,
  11047.832, 14353.462, 8804.653, 11942.829, 7722.255, 9732.114,
  8413.027, 10213.796, 10091.471, 12317.169)

yl <- c(0, 20000)
par(mfrow=c(1, 2), oma=c(0, 0, 2, 0))
matplot(Simulation, type="l", ylim=yl)
fhist <- hist(Simulation, plot=FALSE)
with(fhist, plot(counts, mids, ylim=yl, type="o"))
mtext("Dim Mo Simulation 2 years", outer=TRUE, side=3)


On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 3:17 PM, bgnumis bgnum <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have this data on "sim" variable
>  10403.000        NA        NA        NA        NA
>  11178.000        NA        NA        NA        NA
>  11521.000        NA        NA        NA        NA
>  11385.000        NA        NA        NA        NA
> 10102.000        NA        NA        NA        NA
>  10544.013 10339.925  9912.695  9928.198  9932.112
>   9008.050  9437.174 10406.784 10832.123 11095.868
>  10955.094 10804.075  9002.848 11276.038 10503.487
>  11899.525 10085.509  9109.918  8953.339 10135.833
>  11047.832 14353.462  8804.653 11942.829  7722.255
>   9732.114  8413.027 10213.796 10091.471 12317.169
> I want to use matplot on a left plot and a "distribution line" on a right
> plot.
> My idea is the same size from the ylim (max and min) on the left plot will
> be the same on the right plot (but I cannot get the same size so thar the
> right plot show the distribution of the matplot on the left.
> I tried this but canot (some suggest me using rect() for the boundaries of
> the second plot but I cannot achive what I want.
> I dont care if is it a hist or line plot but something similar a
> distribution shape (or like a bell)
> Can anyone try to help me?
> par(mar=c(10,6,6,6))
> matplot(Simulation,type="l",ylim=c(0,20000))
> title(" Dim Mo Simulation 2 years",font=4)
> fhist<-hist(Simulation,plot=FALSE)
> par(mar=c(6,0,6,6))
> barplot(fhist$counts,axes=FALSE, space=0,horiz=TRUE,col="lightgray")
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