On 29/02/2016 6:09 AM, Loris Bennett wrote:

I recently installed version 3.2.3.  When I call


I get a pop-up menu labelled "HTTPS CRAN Mirror" with a shortish list of
mirrors.  However, I don't seem to be able to reach any of these
mirrors, and always get an error like the following

Error in download.file(url, destfile = f, quiet = TRUE) :
   unsupported URL scheme
Warning: unable to access index for repository 
   unsupported URL scheme

That error message suggests the problem is in your build, e.g. possibly an out of date or missing libcurl. What does capabilities("libcurl") say?

Duncan Murdoch

Warning message:
package ‘RCurl’ is not available (for R version 3.2.3)

If I choose the menu entry "(HTTP mirrors)" I get the list of HTTP
mirrors with which I am familiar from previous versions of R.  These
mirrors I can reach.

I assume I have some local, probably firewall-related problem, but can
someone confirm that the HTTPS mirrors do indeed work?



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