
Thanks for the response.

The warnings and errors can be reproduced with the data and code I
included in my first mailing list post. I will provide the full output
at the end of this post.

By sketchy, I mean having a higher likelihood of resulting in
overfitting.  By more straightforward, I mean having a less steep
learning curve for implementation.

Thanks for your help!

> KNov <- read.table("Novelty_abr.txt", header = TRUE)
> KNov$Subject <- factor(KNov$Subject)
> glm1 <- glmmLasso(Activity~as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) + STAIt + 
> as.factor(ROI)
+ + as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI), list(Subject=~1), data = KNov, lambda=10)
> summary(glm1)
glmmLasso(fix = Activity ~ as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) +
    STAIt + as.factor(ROI) + as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI),
    rnd = list(Subject = ~1), data = KNov, lambda = 10)

Fixed Effects:

                                       Estimate StdErr z.value p.value
(Intercept)                          0.14047593     NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R                 -0.06333466     NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Valence)N                 -0.03537854     NA      NA      NA
STAIt                               -0.00173351     NA      NA      NA
as.factor(ROI)B                     -0.00438142     NA      NA      NA
as.factor(ROI)H                      0.00016285     NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)B -0.00739870     NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)H  0.00000000     NA      NA      NA

Random Effects:

Subject 0.05186835
> glm2 <- glmmLasso(Activity~as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) + STAIt + 
> as.factor(ROI)
+ + as.factor(Novelty):as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI),
list(Subject=~1), data = Nov7T, lambda=10)
Warning messages:
1: In split.default((1:ncol(X))[-inotpen.which], ipen) :
  data length is not a multiple of split variable
2: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
5: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
6: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
7: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
8: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
9: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> summary(glm2)
glmmLasso(fix = Activity ~ as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) +
    STAIt + as.factor(ROI) +
    rnd = list(Subject = ~1), data = Nov7T, lambda = 10)

Fixed Effects:

StdErr z.value p.value
(Intercept)                                                -0.0562165
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R                                        -0.0218362
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Valence)N                                        -0.0067723
   NA      NA      NA
STAIt                                                       0.0028832
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(ROI)BNST                                         -0.0457882
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(ROI)Hip                                          -0.0430477
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)N:as.factor(Valence)E:as.factor(ROI)Amy   0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R:as.factor(Valence)E:as.factor(ROI)Amy   0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)N:as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)Amy   0.0164788
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R:as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)Amy   0.0067723
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)N:as.factor(Valence)E:as.factor(ROI)BNST  0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R:as.factor(Valence)E:as.factor(ROI)BNST  0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)N:as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)BNST  0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R:as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)BNST  0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)N:as.factor(Valence)E:as.factor(ROI)Hip   0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R:as.factor(Valence)E:as.factor(ROI)Hip   0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)N:as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)Hip   0.0338616
   NA      NA      NA
as.factor(Novelty)R:as.factor(Valence)N:as.factor(ROI)Hip   0.0000000
   NA      NA      NA

Random Effects:

Subject 0.09132963
> glm3 <- glmmLasso(Activity~as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) + STAIt + 
> as.factor(ROI)
+ + as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI) + as.factor(Novelty):STAIt,
list(Subject=~1), data = Nov7T, lambda=10)
Error in rep(control$index[i], length.fac) : invalid 'times' argument
> summary(glm3)
Error in summary(glm3) : object 'glm3' not found

On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 12:51 PM, David Winsemius
<dwinsem...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 2016, at 9:29 AM, Walker Pedersen <w...@uwm.edu> wrote:
>> Thank you for the input Brian and Ben.
>> It is odd how it seems to handle a two way interaction fine (as long
>> as the continuous variable is not in the mix), but not a 3-way.
> You should post code and data to demonstrate what is "not being handled".
>> In any case would anyone be able to give me a rundown of how I would
>> create a matrix/dummy variable for these interactions to input into
>> glmmLASSO?
> Your first question on this dataset June 17 to CrossValidated.com was closed 
> because no reproducible example was offered. You then posted two further 
> questions on StackOverflow and got guesses as to the solutions  because you 
> again posted no reproducible examples. One of those questions was given in 
> this thread as a possible solution. IN the otehr one you did post some output 
> that gave clues as to the arrangement of your data and suggested that the 
> categorical data was relatively sparse:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38132830/getting-p-values-for-all-included-parameters-using-glmmlasso
> Now you are getting advice that is similarly just speculation due to lack of 
> code,  data and output. You are unlikely to get further advice that addresses 
> what ever problems you have vaguely described unless you post examples of 
> code that is failing along with either a) the real data or b) R code that 
> creates a simulation with covariate features resembling your data.
>> Alternatively, is there a method for paring down a model that is a bit
>> less sketchy than simple backfitting, that you would expect to be more
>> straight forward software-wise?
> That appears incredibly vague. Exactly what is "sketchy"? And what would be 
> "more straightforward"?
> --
> David.
>> Thanks!
>> Walker
>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Cade, Brian <ca...@usgs.gov> wrote:
>>> It has never been obvious to me that the lasso approach can handle
>>> interactions among predictor variables well at all.  I'ld be curious to see
>>> what others think and what you learn.
>>> Brian
>>> Brian S. Cade, PhD
>>> U. S. Geological Survey
>>> Fort Collins Science Center
>>> 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C
>>> Fort Collins, CO  80526-8818
>>> email:  ca...@usgs.gov
>>> tel:  970 226-9326
>>> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Walker Pedersen <w...@uwm.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> I am having trouble running glmmLasso.
>>>> An abbreviated version of my dataset is here:
>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_LliPDGUoZbVVFQS2VOV3hGN3c
>>>> Activity is a measure of brain activity, Novelty and Valence are
>>>> categorical variables coding the type of stimulus used to elicit the
>>>> response, ROI is a categorical variable coding three regions of the
>>>> brain that we have sampled this activity from, and STAIt is a
>>>> continuous measure representing degree of a specific personality trait
>>>> of the subjects. Subject is an ID number for the individuals the data
>>>> was sampled from.
>>>> Before glmmLasso I am running:
>>>> KNov$Subject <- factor(KNov$Subject)
>>>> to ensure the subject ID is not treated as a continuous variable.
>>>> If I run:
>>>> glm1 <- glmmLasso(Activity~as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) +
>>>> STAIt + as.factor(ROI)
>>>> + as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI), list(Subject=~1), data = KNov,
>>>> lambda=10)
>>>> summary(glm1)
>>>> I don't get any warning messages, but the output contains b estimates
>>>> only, no SE or p-values.
>>>> If I try to include a 3-way interaction, such as:
>>>> glm2 <- glmmLasso(Activity~as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) +
>>>> STAIt + as.factor(ROI)
>>>> + as.factor(Novelty):as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI),
>>>> list(Subject=~1), data = Nov7T, lambda=10)
>>>> summary(glm2)
>>>> I get the warnings:
>>>> Warning messages:
>>>> 1: In split.default((1:ncol(X))[-inotpen.which], ipen) :
>>>>  data length is not a multiple of split variable
>>>> 2: In lambda_vec * sqrt(block2) :
>>>>  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
>>>> And again, I do get parameter estimates, and no SE or p-values.
>>>> If I include my continuous variable in any interaction, such as:
>>>> glm3 <- glmmLasso(Activity~as.factor(Novelty) + as.factor(Valence) +
>>>> STAIt + as.factor(ROI)
>>>> + as.factor(Valence):as.factor(ROI) + as.factor(Novelty):STAIt,
>>>> list(Subject=~1), data = Nov7T, lambda=10)
>>>> summary(glm3)
>>>> I get the error message:
>>>> Error in rep(control$index[i], length.fac) : invalid 'times' argument
>>>> and no output.
>>>> If anyone has an input as to (1) why I am not getting SE or p-values
>>>> in my outputs (2) the meaning of there warnings I get when I include a
>>>> 3-way variable, and if they are something to worry about, how to fix
>>>> them and (3) how to fix the error message I get when I include my
>>>> continuous factor in an interatction, I would be very appreciative.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Walker
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> David Winsemius
> Alameda, CA, USA

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