Hi all,
        I want to use tabu search to solve my minimization problem. but tabu 
search in R is for maximization, so I turn my function from f to -f, but the 
eUtilityKeep always be 0 from the second position. I have go through a part of 
source code found that it always give the default value to compare,

move <- ifelse(maxTaboo > maxNontaboo & maxTaboo > aspiration, 
                         ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo)) 
== 1, 
                                which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), 
sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxTaboo), 1)),  
                         ifelse(length(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo 
& tabuList == 0)) == 1, 
                                which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & 
tabuList == 0), sample(which(neighboursEUtility == maxNontaboo & tabuList == 
0), 1)))

this cause the 0 value. 

How can I use it to get my minimization value using tabu search in R ?

Thanks .
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