I have the joint distribution of three discrete random variables z1, z2 and
z3 which is captured by "z"
and "prob" as described below.

For example, the probability for z1=0.46667, z2=-1 and z3=-1 is 2.752e-13.
Also, the probability adds up to 1.

> head(z)           z1      z2      z3
[1,] -0.46667 -1.0000 -1.0000
[2,] -0.33333 -0.9333 -0.9333
[3,] -0.20000 -0.8667 -0.8667
[4,] -0.06667 -0.8000 -0.8000
[5,]  0.06667 -0.7333 -0.7333
[6,]  0.20000 -0.6667 -0.6667> prob[1:5][1] 2.752e-13 3.210e-12
1.348e-11 2.656e-11 2.656e-11> sum(prob)[1] 1

I want to put the distribution into a joint probability table. I use the
following code. But the probability no longer adds up to 1.

> z1 <- sort(unique(z[,1])); z2 <- sort(unique(z[,2]));  z3 <- 
> sort(unique(z[,3]))> P <- array(0, dim=c(length(z1),length(z2),length(z3)), 
> dimnames=list(A=z1, H=z2, M=z3))> > for (i in 1:(dim(z)[1])){+     ind <- 
> z[i,]+     P[dimnames(P)$A==ind[1], dimnames(P)$H==ind[2], 
> dimnames(P)$M==ind[3]] <- prob[i]     + }> sum(P)[1] 37.5

The problem is when we look z1 as below, there are lot of repeated values.

> unique(z[,1]) [1] -0.46667 -0.33333 -0.20000 -0.06667  0.06667  0.20000  
> 0.33333  0.46667 -0.53333 -0.40000
[11] -0.26667 -0.13333  0.00000  0.13333  0.26667  0.40000  0.53333
-0.60000 -0.06667  0.06667
[21]  0.60000 -0.66667 -0.13333  0.13333  0.66667 -0.73333 -0.60000
-0.20000  0.20000  0.60000
[31]  0.73333 -0.80000 -0.53333 -0.26667  0.26667  0.53333  0.80000
-0.86667 -0.46667 -0.33333
[41]  0.33333  0.46667  0.86667 -0.93333 -0.40000  0.40000  0.93333
-1.00000 -0.46667 -0.33333
[51]  0.33333  0.46667  1.00000 -0.53333 -0.26667  0.26667  0.53333
-0.20000  0.20000 -0.66667
[61] -0.13333  0.13333  0.66667 -0.73333 -0.06667  0.06667  0.73333
-0.20000  0.20000 -0.13333
[71]  0.13333 -0.06667  0.06667 -0.06667  0.06667

Is there a way to fix this? Any idea and suggestions? Thanks very much!!


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