You really need to spend some time learning R if you wish to use R.

See ?grep and note the "value" argument. So you want:

whales.v <- grep(*^whal.*", moby.word.v,value = TRUE)

-- Bert

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 5:14 AM, Riaan Van Der Walt
<> wrote:
> I received this from Matt Jockers and it worked!
> I missed something.
> How can I now see(display) this list?
> Hi Riann,
> There are a couple of ways that you could do this. . . the best
> approach would probably be to use *grep* instead of *which*, but let me
> show you both ways.
> On page 30, replace
> whales.v <- which(moby.word.v == *whale*)
> with
> whale_words <- c(*whale", *whales", *whale's", *whaler", *whalers",
> *whaling")
> whales.v <- which(moby.word.v %in% whale_words)
> the alternative (better) way to do this, with grep, looks like this
> whales.v <- grep(*^whal.*", moby.word.v)
> grep uses the regular expression ^whal.* to find all words starting (^)
> with *whal* followed by any number of other characters (.*)
> All best,
> Matt
> --
> Matthew L. Jockers
> Associate Dean for Research and Partnerships
> College of Arts & Sciences
> Susan J. Rosowski Associate Professor of English
> University of Nebraska-Lincoln
> 1223 Oldfather Hall
> P.O. Box 880312
> Lincoln, NE  68588-0312
> 402.472.2891
> I am new to R.
> Busy with Text Analysis.
> Need a script to find e.g
> whale, whales, whale's, whaler, whalers, whaling,... in Moby Dick
> Riaan
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