Dear Bert,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Bert Gunter
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 8:38 PM
> To: Jim Lemon <>
> Cc:; R-help <>
> Subject: Re: [R] graphing repeated curves
> I do not think this does what the OP wants -- it does not produce polynomials
> of the form desired.
> John Fox's solution using poly() seems to me to be the right approach, but I

Actually, I didn't do a good job of graphing the polynomials between the 
observed x-values. Here's a better solution:

x <- with(mtcars, seq(min(hp), max(hp), length=500))
plot(mpg ~ hp, data=mtcars)
for (p in 1:6){
    m <- lm(mpg ~ poly(hp, p), data=mtcars)
    lines(x, predict(m, newdata=data.frame(hp=x)), lty=p, col=p)
legend("top", legend=1:6, lty=1:6, col=1:6, title="order", inset=0.02)


> will show what I think is a considerably simpler way to build up the
> polynomial expressions just as an example of one way to do this sort of thing
> in more general circumstances:
> fm <- vector("character",6)
> fm[1]<- "mpg ~ hp"
> for(i in 2:6)fm[i]<- paste0(fm[i-1]," + I(hp^", i,")") ## yielding:
> > fm
> [1] "mpg ~ hp"
> [2] "mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2)"
> [3] "mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2) + I(hp^3)"
> [4] "mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2) + I(hp^3) + I(hp^4)"
> [5] "mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2) + I(hp^3) + I(hp^4) + I(hp^5)"
> [6] "mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2) + I(hp^3) + I(hp^4) + I(hp^5) + I(hp^6)"
> Although fm is a character vector, the character strings will be automatically
> coerced by lm to formulas (see ?lm), so, e.g.
> results <- lapply(fm, lm,data = mtcars)
> would yield a list of regressions which could then be summarized, plotted or
> whatever (again using lapply). e.g.
> > results[[3]]
> Call:
> FUN(formula = X[[i]], data = ..1)
> Coefficients:
> (Intercept)           hp      I(hp^2)      I(hp^3)
>   4.422e+01   -2.945e-01    9.115e-04   -8.701e-07
> One could also choose to do the plotting or whatever within the lapply call,
> but I prefer to keep things simple if possible.
> Cheers,
> Bert
> Bert Gunter
> "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
> sticking things into it."
> -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 4:43 PM Jim Lemon <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Richard,
> > This may be what you want:
> >
> > data(mtcars)
> > m<-list()
> > for(i in 1:6) {
> >  rhterms<-paste(paste0("I(hp^",1:i,")"),sep="+")
> >  lmexp<-paste0("lm(mpg~",rhterms,",mtcars)")
> >  cat(lmexp,"\n")
> >  m[[i]]<-eval(parse(text=lmexp))
> > }
> > plot(mpg~hp,mtcars,type="n")
> > for(i in 1:6) abline(m[[i]],col=i)
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 9:07 AM, Richard Sherman <>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I have a simple graphing question that is not really a graphing
> > question, but a question about repeating a task.
> > >
> > > I’m fiddling with some of McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking, and
> > there’s a graph illustrating extreme overfitting (a number of
> > polynomial terms in x equal to the number of observations), a subject
> > I know well having taught it to grad students for many years.
> > >
> > > The plot I want to reproduce has, in effect:
> > >
> > > m1 <- lm( y ~ x)
> > > m2 <- lm( y ~ x + x^2)
> > >
> > > …etc., through lm( y ~ x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^6 ), followed
> > > by
> > some plot() or lines() or ggplot2() call to render the data and fitted
> > curves.
> > >
> > > Obviously I don’t want to run such regressions for any real purpose,
> > > but
> > I think it might be useful to learn how to do such a thing in R
> > without writing down each lm() call individually. It’s not obvious
> > where I’d want to apply this, but I like learning how to repeat things in a
> compact way.
> > >
> > > So, something like:
> > >
> > > data( mtcars )
> > > d <- mtcars
> > > v <- c( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6  )
> > > m1 <- lm( mpg ~ hp  , data = d )
> > >
> > > and then somehow use for() with an index or some flavor of apply()
> > > with
> > the vector v to repeat this process yielding
> > >
> > > m2 <- lm( mpg ~ hp + I( hp ^2 ) , data=d)
> > > m3 <- lm( mpg ~ hp + I( hp^2 ) + I(hp^3) , data=d )
> > >
> > > … and the rest through m6 <- lm( mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2) + I(hp^3) +
> > > I(hp^4)
> > + I(hp^5) + I(hp^6) , data=d )
> > >
> > > But finding a way to index these values including not just each
> > > value
> > but each value+1 , then value+1 and value+2, and so on escapes me.
> > Obviously I don’t want to include index values below zero.
> > >
> > > ===
> > > Richard Sherman
> > >
> > >
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