How much time is it taking on the files and how many files do you have
to process?  I tried it with your data duplicated so that I had 57K
lines and it took 27 seconds to process.  How much faster to you want?

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Paolo Sonego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks so much Jim! It works without a glitch!
> My only problem is that the text files to be parsed are quite big, up to
> several thousands rows (my apologies for the incomplete informations in my
> former post), so loops are not my first choice. I'll take a look at 'lapply'
> using your code as a model. Thanks again!
> Sincerely,
> Paolo
> jim holtman ha scritto:
>> This should do what you want: (it uses loops; you can work at
>> replacing those with 'lapply' and such -- it all depends on if it is
>> going to take you more time to rewrite the code than to process a set
>> of data; you never did say how large the data was).  This also "grows"
>> a data.frame, but you have not indicated how efficient is has to be.
>> So this could be used as a model.
>>> x <- readLines(textConnection("x      x_string
>> + y      y_string
>> + id1    id1_string
>> + id2    id2_string
>> + z      z_string
>> + w      w_string
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + //
>> + x      x_string1
>> + y      y_string1
>> + z      z_string1
>> + w      w_string1
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + //
>> + x      x_string2
>> + y      y_string2
>> + id1    id1_string1
>> + id2    id2_string1
>> + z      z_string2
>> + w      w_string2
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + stuff  stuff  stuff
>> + //"))
>>> # I assume that each group is delimited by "//"
>>> # initialize data.frame with desired values
>>> .keys <- data.frame(x=NA, y=NA, id1=NA, id2=NA, w=NA)
>>> .out <- .keys  # for the first pass
>>> .save <- NULL
>>> for (i in seq_along(x)){
>> +     if (x[i] == "//"){  # output the current data
>> +         .save <- rbind(.save, .out)
>> +         .out <- .keys    # setup for the next pass
>> +     } else {
>> +         .split <- strsplit(x[i], "\\s+")
>> +         if (.split[[1]][1] %in% names(.out)){
>> +             .out[[.split[[1]][1]]] <- .split[[1]][2]
>> +         }
>> +     }
>> + }
>>> .save
>>          x         y         id1         id2         w
>> 1  x_string  y_string  id1_string  id2_string  w_string
>> 2 x_string1 y_string1        <NA>        <NA> w_string1
>> 3 x_string2 y_string2 id1_string1 id2_string1 w_string2
>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Paolo Sonego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear R users,
>>> I have a big text file formatted like this:
>>> x      x_string
>>> y      y_string
>>> id1    id1_string
>>> id2    id2_string
>>> z      z_string
>>> w      w_string
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> //
>>> x      x_string1
>>> y      y_string1
>>> z      z_string1
>>> w      w_string1
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> //
>>> x      x_string2
>>> y      y_string2
>>> id1    id1_string1
>>> id2    id2_string1
>>> z      z_string2
>>> w      w_string2
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> stuff  stuff  stuff
>>> //
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> I'd like to parse this file and retrieve the x, y, id1, id2, z, w fields
>>> and
>>> save them into a a matrix object:
>>> x        y          id1         id2         z          w
>>> x_string y_string   id1_string  id2_string  z_string   w_string
>>>  x_string1
>>> y_string1 NA          NA          z_string1  w_string1
>>> x_string2 y_string2 id1_string1 id2_string1 z_string2  w_string2
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> id1, id2 fields  are not always present within a section (the interval
>>> between x and the last stuff) and
>>> I'd like to insert a NA when they are absent (see above) so that
>>> length(x)==length(y)==length(id1)==... .
>>> Without the id1, id2 fields the task is easily solvable  importing the
>>> text
>>> file with readLines and retrieving the single fields with grep:
>>> input = readLines("file.txt")
>>> x = grep("^x\\s", input, value = T)
>>> id1 = grep("^id1\\s", input, value = T)
>>> ...
>>> I'd like to accomplish this task entirely in R (no SQL, no perl script),
>>>  possibly without using loops.
>>> Any suggestions are quite welcome!
>>> Regards,
>>> Paolo
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

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