If that is an exact copy of the issued command than it should be throwing an error related to the use of "smart quotes".

Furthermore it was not clear if that command was the proximate cause of the error or perhaps it was encountered when you tried to load (rather than install) the Rserve package?



On 6/10/20 11:33 AM, Kayla Song wrote:
Hello there,

I hope this email finds you well.

I’m just having a difficulty running RServe, which I’m trying to get 
communicate with Tableau. I have this error message every time I try to do this:

Error: long vectors not supported yet: qap_encode.c:36
Fatal error: unable to initialize the JIT

I searched some online forums but could not find the answer that resolved this 
problem. For example, I tried:

install.packages("Rserve", "Rserve_1.8-6.tgz", "http://www.rforge.net/“)

But the error message still appears.
Could you please advise?

thanks so much,
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