Dear John,

If you look at the code for logitreg() in the MASS text, you'll see that the casewise components of the log-likelihood are multiplied by the corresponding weights. As far as I can see, this only makes sense if the weights are binomial trials. Otherwise, while the coefficients themselves will be the same as obtained for proportionally similar integer weights (e.g., using your weights rather than weights/10), quantities such as the maximized log-likelihood, deviance, and coefficient standard errors will be uninterpretable.

logitreg() is simply another way to compute the MLE, using a general-purpose optimizer rather than than iteratively weighted least-squares, which is what glm() uses. That the two functions provide the same answer within rounding error is unsurprising -- they're solving the same problem. A difference between the two functions is that glm() issues a warning about non-integer weights, while logitreg() doesn't. As I understand it, the motivation for writing logitreg() is to provide a function that could easily be modified, e.g., to impose parameter constraints on the solution.

I think that this discussion has gotten unproductive. If you feel that proceeding with noninteger weights makes sense, for a reason that I don't understand, then you should go ahead.


On 2020-08-29 1:23 p.m., John Smith wrote:
In the book Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th edition, 2002, by Venables and Ripley, there is a function logitreg on page 445, which does provide the weighted logistic regression I asked, judging by the loss function. And interesting enough, logitreg provides the same coefficients as glm in the example I provided earlier, even with weights < 1. Also for residual deviance, logitreg yields the same number as glm. Unless I misunderstood something, I am convinced that glm is a valid tool for weighted logistic regression despite the description on weights and somehow questionable logLik value in the case of non-integer weights < 1. Perhaps this is a bold claim: the description of weights can be modified and logLik can be updated as well.

The stackexchange inquiry I provided is what I feel interesting, not the link in that post. Sorry for the confusion.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 10:18 AM John Smith < <>> wrote:

    Thanks for very insightful thoughts. What I am trying to achieve
    with the weights is actually not new, something like
    I thought my inquiry was not too strange, and I could utilize some
    existing codes. It is just an optimization problem at the end of
    day, or not? Thanks

    On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 9:02 AM John Fox <
    <>> wrote:

        Dear John,

        On 2020-08-29 1:30 a.m., John Smith wrote:
         > Thanks Prof. Fox.
         > I am curious: what is the model estimated below?

        Nonsense, as Peter explained in a subsequent response to your
        prior posting.

         > I guess my inquiry seems more complicated than I thought:
        with y being 0/1, how to fit weighted logistic regression with
        weights <1, in the sense of weighted least squares? Thanks

        What sense would that make? WLS is meant to account for
        error variance in a linear model, but in a binomial GLM, the
        variance is
        purely a function for the mean.

        If you had binomial (rather than binary 0/1) observations (i.e.,
        binomial trials exceeding 1), then you could account for
        e.g., by introducing a dispersion parameter via the quasibinomial
        family, but that isn't equivalent to variance weights in a LM,
        rather to
        the error-variance parameter in a LM.

        I guess the question is what are you trying to achieve with the


         >> On Aug 28, 2020, at 10:51 PM, John Fox <
        <>> wrote:
         >> Dear John
         >> I think that you misunderstand the use of the weights
        argument to glm() for a binomial GLM. From ?glm: "For a binomial
        GLM prior weights are used to give the number of trials when the
        response is the proportion of successes." That is, in this case
        y should be the observed proportion of successes (i.e., between
        0 and 1) and the weights are integers giving the number of
        trials for each binomial observation.
         >> I hope this helps,
         >> John
         >> John Fox, Professor Emeritus
         >> McMaster University
         >> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
         >> web:
         >>> On 2020-08-28 9:28 p.m., John Smith wrote:
         >>> If the weights < 1, then we have different values! See an
        example below.
         >>> How  should I interpret logLik value then?
         >>> set.seed(135)
         >>>   y <- c(rep(0, 50), rep(1, 50))
         >>>   x <- rnorm(100)
         >>>   data <- data.frame(cbind(x, y))
         >>>   weights <- c(rep(1, 50), rep(2, 50))
         >>>   fit <- glm(y~x, data, family=binomial(), weights/10)
         >>> <> <- residuals(fit, type="deviance")
         >>>   res2 <- -0.5* <>^2
         >>>   cat("loglikelihood value", logLik(fit), sum(res2), "\n")
         >>>> On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 11:40 AM peter dalgaard
        < <>> wrote:
         >>>> If you don't worry too much about an additive constant,
        then half the
         >>>> negative squared deviance residuals should do. (Not quite
        sure how weights
         >>>> factor in. Looks like they are accounted for.)
         >>>> -pd
         >>>>> On 25 Aug 2020, at 17:33 , John Smith <
        <>> wrote:
         >>>>> Dear R-help,
         >>>>> The function logLik can be used to obtain the maximum
         >>>> value
         >>>>> from a glm object. This is an aggregated value, a
        summation of individual
         >>>>> log-likelihood values. How do I obtain individual values?
        In the
         >>>> following
         >>>>> example, I would expect 9 numbers since the response has
        length 9. I
         >>>> could
         >>>>> write a function to compute the values, but there are lots of
         >>>>> family members in glm, and I am trying not to reinvent
        wheels. Thanks!
         >>>>> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
         >>>>>      outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
         >>>>>      treatment <- gl(3,3)
         >>>>>      data.frame(treatment, outcome, counts) # showing data
         >>>>>      glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family
        = poisson())
         >>>>>      (ll <- logLik(glm.D93))
         >>>>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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