I would push back on that from two perspectives:

            1.  I would study exactly what the journal said very carefully.  If they mandated "wilcox.test", that function has an argument called "exact".  If that's what they are asking, then using that argument gives the exact p-value, e.g.:

> wilcox.test(rnorm(100), rnorm(100, 2), exact=TRUE)

        Wilcoxon rank sum exact test

data:  rnorm(100) and rnorm(100, 2)
W = 691, p-value < 2.2e-16

            2.  If that's NOT what they are asking, then I'm not convinced what they are asking makes sense:  There is is no such thing as an "exact p value" except to the extent that certain assumptions hold, and all models are wrong (but some are useful), as George Box famously said years ago.[1]  Truth only exists in mathematics, and that's because it's a fiction to start with ;-)

      Hope this helps.
      Spencer Graves


On 2021-3-18 11:12 PM, Bogdan Tanasa wrote:
Dear all,

i would appreciate having your advice on the following please :

in R, the wilcox.test() provides "a p-value < 2.2e-16", when we compare
sets of 1000 genes expression (in the genomics field).

however, the journal asks us to provide the exact p value ...

would it be legitimate to write : "p-value = 0" ? thanks a lot,

-- bogdan

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