Using rle() may make it easier - finding the peak values is easier and
select from cumsum(lengths) to get the positions of the last values
before the peaks, then add 1.  I have not tested the following very

function(x) {
  rx <- rle(x)
  cumsum(rx$lengths)[c(diff(diff(rx$values)>0) == -1,FALSE,FALSE)]+1


On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 8:36 AM Stefano Sofia
<> wrote:
> Dear list users,
> I need to find local maxima and local minima positions in a vector where 
> there might be duplicates; in the particular in case of
> - duplicated local maxima, I should take the position of the first duplicated 
> value;
> - duplicated local minima, I should take the position of the last duplicated 
> value.
> Example:
> >x <- c(1,0,0,0,2,2,3,4,0,1,1,0,5,5,5,0,1)
> >which(diff(diff(x)>=0)<0)+1
> gives me 8 11 15 while I need 8 10 13;
> >which(diff(diff(x)>0)>0)+1
> gives me 4 6  9 12 16 while I need 4 9 12 16.
> Could you please help me in this task? I would be happier not to use 
> additional packages.
> Thank you for your precious help
> Stefano
>          (oo)
> --oOO--( )--OOo--------------------------------------
> Stefano Sofia PhD
> Civil Protection - Marche Region - Italy
> Meteo Section
> Snow Section
> Via del Colle Ameno 5
> 60126 Torrette di Ancona, Ancona (AN)
> Uff: +39 071 806 7743
> E-mail:
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