Of course you said when you load it again. I just now loaded it, without error.

FYI, my sessionInfo(), which I realize is not the latest version.

R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)


attached base packages:
 [1] grDevices datasets  grid      tcltk     splines   graphics  utils
 [8] stats     methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] fortunes_1.3-4  debug_1.1.0     mvbutils_1.1.1  erik_0.0-1
[5] reshape_0.8.0   SPLOTS_1.3-50   Hmisc_3.4-3     chron_2.3-21
[9] survival_2.34-1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.11.10 lattice_0.17-6  tools_2.7.0

Benjamin Otto wrote:

When I create an environment object with new.env() and populate it with
values then how can I save it into an .RData file properly, so it can be
loaded later on in a new session?

Saving an environment object with save() or save.image() results in an error
message when loading again:

Error: protect(): protection stack overflow



Benjamin Otto
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Institute For Clinical Chemistry
Martinistr. 52
D-20246 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 42803 1908
Fax.: +49 40 42803 4971


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