Hi Thomas/Ben,

This model ca be MCMCed using MCMCglmm by specifying "multinomial2" (i.e. binomial) in the family argument. MCMCglmm by default, fits a residual in the linear model to soak up extra-binomial variation, which is similar in motivation to quasi models.




I have fitted a generalized linear mixed effects model using lmer (library lme4), and the family = quasibinomial. I have tried to obtain a MCMC sample, but on calling mcmcsamp(model1, 1000) I get the following error which I don't understand at all:

Error in .local(object, n, verbose, ...) : Update not yet written

traceback() delivers:

4: .Call(mer_MCMCsamp, ans, object)
3: .local(object, n, verbose, ...)
2: mcmcsamp(model1, n = 1000, verbose = FALSE)
1: mcmcsamp(model1, n = 1000, verbose = FALSE)

which again doesn't particularly help me.

R is 2.8.1 under Windows, lme4 clean installed just today. Before the model is fitted I just read in data, and transform some variables. No other library is loaded.

Any ideas ?

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