On 4/13/2009 2:07 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
Does anybody have a workable system to run an Rnw document through
R-Sweave when necessary, but to just run it through LaTeX if no new R
calculations are needed? I.e.,  the figures already exist, I do not
need R to do more work for me, so I send the document straight to

It's not exactly what you asked for, but the weaver package goes some way towards that, by caching the results of code chunks and not recomputing them.

weaver is on Bioconductor, not CRAN, so you can install it using


An alternative approach is to save the slow calculations manually, and then load() an image in an early chunk, and proceed from there. But if it's your figures that take a long time, that might not help. I'm not sure that weaver caches figures, but I would guess so.

Duncan Murdoch

I want to leave open the option that I might need to run the document
through Sweave in the future, so I don't want to just convert the
document to pure LaTeX format.

Here's why I think this must be possible. In this list, I saw one of
you explain this approach to working with figures in Sweave docs:

Instead of using the automatic figure inclusion approach like this:

<<testfn2, fig=true>>=
curve(sin, from = 1, to = 55)

Do this instead:


<<testfn2, fig=true, include=false>>=
curve(sin, from = 1, to = 55)

\caption{My Figure}

As long as the figures are saved in the directory foo, then LaTeX will
find them, I think (hope!).  Then if I could tell LaTeX to ignore the
<<>> ...@ stuff, then it *seems* to me the Rnw file would be processed
successfully without further hassle.

I am sorry if this has been asked & answered before, I may not know
the "magic words" for searching for past solutions.


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