I have found Sweave() to be great for producing PDF documents.  I have
been experimenting with RweaveHTML (from the R2HTML) package and have
had moderate success.  My main issue has been that I simply want the R
output to be shown verbatim in the HTML document but RweaveHTML tends to
convert most output to a table, for example.  So, is there a way to
force the RweaveHTML driver to simply provide the output of a function
exactly as it would appear in the R console window?  Thanks in advance
for any help.


A minimal reproducible example of my .rnw file is below ...




<p>This is an example</p>








.... which if I saved as test.rnw I would use ...





... which will produce test.html which looks like ...




<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=R2HTML.css><body>

<p>This is an example</p>

<!-- begin{Schunk} !-->

<!-- begin{Sinput} !-->

<p><xmp class=command>> data(iris)</xmp></p>


<p><xmp class=command>> summary(iris)</xmp></p>


<!-- end{Sinput} !-->

<p align= center >

<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom

                <table border=0 class=dataframe>

                <tbody> <tr class= firstline > <th></th><th>
Sepal.Length</th><th> Sepal.Width</th><th> Petal.Length</th><th>
Petal.Width</th><th>      Species</th> </tr>

 <tr><td class=firstcolumn></td><td class=cellinside>Min.   :4.300
</td><td class=cellinside>Min.   :2.000  </td><td class=cellinside>Min.
:1.000  </td><td class=cellinside>Min.   :0.100  </td><td
class=cellinside>setosa    :50  </td></tr>

 <tr><td class=firstcolumn></td><td class=cellinside>1st Qu.:5.100
</td><td class=cellinside>1st Qu.:2.800  </td><td class=cellinside>1st
Qu.:1.600  </td><td class=cellinside>1st Qu.:0.300  </td><td
class=cellinside>versicolor:50  </td></tr>

 <tr><td class=firstcolumn></td><td class=cellinside>Median :5.800
</td><td class=cellinside>Median :3.000  </td><td
class=cellinside>Median :4.350  </td><td class=cellinside>Median :1.300
</td><td class=cellinside>virginica :50  </td></tr>

 <tr><td class=firstcolumn></td><td class=cellinside>Mean   :5.843
</td><td class=cellinside>Mean   :3.057  </td><td class=cellinside>Mean
:3.758  </td><td class=cellinside>Mean   :1.199  </td><td
class=cellinside>NA             </td></tr>

 <tr><td class=firstcolumn></td><td class=cellinside>3rd Qu.:6.400
</td><td class=cellinside>3rd Qu.:3.300  </td><td class=cellinside>3rd
Qu.:5.100  </td><td class=cellinside>3rd Qu.:1.800  </td><td
class=cellinside>NA             </td></tr>

 <tr><td class=firstcolumn></td><td class=cellinside>Max.   :7.900
</td><td class=cellinside>Max.   :4.400  </td><td class=cellinside>Max.
:6.900  </td><td class=cellinside>Max.   :2.500  </td><td
class=cellinside>NA             </td></tr>














Session Info

R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) 




LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252


attached base packages:

[1] stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  tcltk     utils     methods


other attached packages:

 [1] pda_1.2-3          MASS_7.2-46        lme4_0.999375-28
Matrix_0.999375-22 lattice_0.17-20    car_1.2-12         NCStats_0.1-1

 [8] sciplot_1.0-4      plotrix_2.5-4      nortest_1.0
svSocket_0.9-5     TinnR_1.0.2        R2HTML_1.59        Hmisc_3.5-2


loaded via a namespace (and not attached):

[1] cluster_1.11.12   gdata_2.4.2       gplots_2.6.0      grid_2.8.0
gtools_2.5.0-1    svMisc_0.9-5      TeachingDemos_2.3 tools_2.8.0      


        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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