
I've pared down my .Rprofile so that it has just the options line, started R
from terminal (instead of using ESS-emacs) and I still have the problem. Am
I specifying the options incorrectly? I believe I took this directly from
the help page. See my output of .Rprofile, the code example that doesn't
work as we think it ought, and my sessionInfo().  Thanks, Mark

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> read.table("~/.Rprofile")
1 options=utils::recover
> my.func <- function(x){
+ y <- x + 12
+ nonsense
+ y
+ }
> my.func(14)
Error in my.func(14) : object 'nonsense' not found
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)


attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

Mark W. Kimpel MD  ** Neuroinformatics ** Dept. of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine

15032 Hunter Court, Westfield, IN  46074

(317) 490-5129 Work, & Mobile & VoiceMail
(317) 399-1219  Home
Skype:  mkimpel

"The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do." -- B.
F. Skinner

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murd...@stats.uwo.ca>wrote:

> [Sent this before completing my last sentence; here's another attempt]
> On 29/05/2009 11:45 PM, Mark Kimpel wrote:
>> For years I have been using options(error = recover) either in .Rprofile
>> or
>> from within R for debugging purposes. The functionality of this appears to
>> have changed and I can't recover it (no pun intended) using the ?options
>> help page. How can I get the old functionality back, particularly from
>> within .Rprofile? A specific line entry would be appreciated. An example,
>> the help page, and sessionInfo() follow. Thanks, Mark
> I don't think there were any substantial changes in 2.9.0, so I would
> guess that you have a local object named "recover" or "options", and it
> is causing your  problems.  When I run options(error=recover) and your
> two lines below, I get this output:
>  > options(error=recover)
>  > b.func <- function(x) {y <- x + 2; nonsense; y}
>  > b.func(3)
> Error in b.func(3) : object 'nonsense' not found
> Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
> 1: b.func(3)
> Selection: 0
>  >
> which is what you wanted.
> To put this into your .Rprofile, you need to use utils::recover (the
> utils package hasn't been attached yet).  That also works for me.
> There have been changes to recover in R-devel (to become 2.10.0), and will
> likely be more, but what you did shouldn't appear much different than what I
> showed from 2.9.0 above.  If you had sourced the code from a file, 2.10.0
> should tell you which line of the file contained the error.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> b.func <- function(x) {y <- x + 2; nonsense; y}
>>> b.func(3)
>> Error in b.func(3) : object 'nonsense' not found ## in the past this would
>> be a menu with numbers for what level I want to go to (in this case just
>> 1)
>> This help page states:
>> 'error': either a function or an expression governing the handling
>>          of non-catastrophic errors such as those generated by 'stop'
>>          as well as by signals and internally detected errors... The
>>          functions 'dump.frames' and 'recover' provide alternatives
>>          that allow post-mortem debugging.  Note that these need to
>>          specified as e.g. 'options=utils::recover' in startup files
>>          such as '.Rprofile'.
>>  sessionInfo()
>> R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)
>> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
>> locale:
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils     methods   base
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Mark W. Kimpel MD  ** Neuroinformatics ** Dept. of Psychiatry
>> Indiana University School of Medicine
>> 15032 Hunter Court, Westfield, IN  46074
>> (317) 490-5129 Work, & Mobile & VoiceMail
>> (317) 399-1219  Home
>> Skype:  mkimpel
>> "The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do." -- B.
>> F. Skinner
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