Dear Fritz,

(had to guess the name as well as most of the other things not given)

On Wed, 15-Jul-2009 at 02:25PM -0700, F!! wrote:

|> Hi,
|> I try to create a vertical line in my plot, which has a xaxis comprising
|> time formated data.
|> This is what I tried:
|> ----------------
|> y<-152833
|> x<-strptime(y, format="%H%M%S")
|> abline(v=x, col="red")
|> ----------------
|> for some reason, it doesn't work and no error msg is displayed...

My guess is that you don't already have a plot, or if you do, your
value of x is outside the range it covers.

Try par()$usr and see if my guess is correct.  There's no way I can

|> I hope someone can tell me what I do wrong, or maybe an alternative.

If you had a reproducible example, they'd be in a better position.

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Notice the last line?

   ___    Patrick Connolly   
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