I am also a newbie, but here are the few thing i do
eo=read.table(file="path where you have saved your text
file/xxx.txt",header=T, )                                                       
                #this will only read excelfiles saved
as *.csv file
                                                        #attach the data

go to this website http://www.statmethods.net/stats
here is how to store numbers as vectors
here is how i means as vector
d<-aggregate(LMMP8,list(PlateID,Self_T1D),mean, na.rm=T)

I would suggest u to search for website for R tutorials
here are some good ones
go to this website http://www.statmethods.net/stats
this one has all the codes you can change them according to your data

also download the book by verjani it would be a great help to you.

Patrick Schorderet wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm a newbie in R and just went through an introduction class recently.
> Here's my problem.
> I have 2 text files (.txt) with plain numbers ('doubles' for those who  
> know c++) ordered into 2 columns as below:
> coordinate1           value1
> coordinate2           value2
> coordinate3           value3
> ...                           ...
> coordinateN           valueN
> I would like to write a small programme in which i would:
> 1. take all values of file 1 and store them in a vector
> 2. substract to those all values of file 2 (one by one) and store the  
> result in a new vector
> 3. Create a sliding window of chosen size and calculate the  
> mathematical average and store these averages in a new vector
> 4. Plot the different graphes with a bar plot
> So I wrote a c++ script that does the first parts and writes the  
> averages in a output.txt file (which I have up and running).  
> Unfortunately, I seem to fail in reading these as numbers and putting  
> them into a vector (in the R environment). I can read the file , but  
> this is what I get:
>  > z=scan(file = "/Users/NCCRGENETICS/Desktop/testRnumbers.txt", what  
> = "double")
> Read 19 items
>  > z
>   [1] "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf949\\cocoasubrtf430"
>   [2] "{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset0"
>   [3] "Helvetica;}"
>   [4] "{\\colortbl;\\red255\\green255\\blue255;}"
>   [5] "\\paperw11900\\paperh16840\\margl1440\\margr1440\\vieww9000\ 
> \viewh8400\\viewkind0"
>   [6] "\\pard\\tx566\\tx1133\\tx1700\\tx2267\\tx2834\\tx3401\\tx3968\ 
> \tx4535\\tx5102\\tx5669\\tx6236\\tx6803\\ql\\qnatural\\pardirnatural"
>   [7] "\\f0\\fs24"
>   [8] "\\cf0"
>   [9] "13\\"                          // This is where my file "should" start 
> reading the numbers I see in the window when I open it with textedit
> [10] "27\\"
> [11] "39\\"
> [12] "48\\"
> [13] "34\\"
> [14] "17\\"
> [15] "23\\"
> [16] "45\\"
> [17] "23\\"
> [18] "4\\"
> [19] "}"
>  >
> Thanks so much to any of you who could provoid a little help... I'm  
> getting nuts.
> Patrick
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