Note that R has a capture.output function, e.g.

s <- capture.output(print(xtable(BOD), type = "html"))

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Charlie Sharpsteen
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Don MacQueen <> wrote:
> snip...
>> In other words, there is no such thing as saving the html table into a
>> variable. It just doesn't work that way. All that is possible is to write it
>> (print it) to either the screen or a file.
>> Which leads back to the question that one of the other responses asked ...
>> what is the reason for saving it to an R object? What do you hope to
>> accomplish by doing that, that you can't accomplish using print() ?
>> Hope this helps
>> -Don
> Actually, I find myself doing this all the time with xtable output. xtable()
> is a very nice piece of code and it has saved me a lot of time-- but in some
> cases I have found the defaults/options available for output formatting
> rather... inflexible.
> The quickest solution for me has always been to capture the output of
> print.xtable() as an R character vector, do some editing/splicing/tweaking
> and then re-emit the code. I use a tweaked version of the print.xtable
> function that omits the final print() statement (which is what causes all
> the output to hit the console, or your LaTeX document or wherever else you
> don't want it to go) and reorganizes the output for easy editing. You can
> make your own using:
> myXtable <- edit( xtable:::print.xtable )
> Then replace the lines:
> print(result)
> return(invisible(result$text))
> With:
> result$text <- strsplit( result$text, '\n' )[[1]]
> return( result$text )
> Now, you can use
> output <- myXtable( xtableObject, type = 'html' )
> To capture the output as a character vector and edit it as you wish.
> Hope that helps!
> -Charlie
>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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