On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Magnus Torfason wrote:

I have a list of isometric structures, and I want to change the same part of each structure in the list, assigning one element of a vector to each of these parts.

In other words, I want to achieve the following:

 l <- list( list(a=1,b=2), list(a=3,b=4))
 unlist(lapply(l, "[[", "a"))
[1] 1 3

 # This will not actually work
 l[[]]["a"] <- 5:6

 unlist(lapply(l, "[[", "a"))
[1] 5 6

I figure mapply is the solution to the problem, and I tried the following:

 mapply( "[<-", l, "a", 5:6)

But the result is not the same shape as the original.

Any thoughts?



something like:

        relist( unlist( mapply( "[<-", l, "a", 5:6) ), l )




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