Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :
> Dear listers,
> One of my former students is trying to fit a model of the negative 
> binomial family with lmer. In the past (two years ago), the following 
> call was working well:
> m1a<-lmer(mapos~ninter+saison+milieu*zone+(1|code),family=neg.bin(0.451),REML=TRUE,data=manu)
> But now (R version 2.9.2 and lme4 version  0.999375-32), that gives 
> (even with the library MASS loaded):
> m1a<-lmer(mapos~ninter+saison+milieu*zone+(1|code),family=neg.bin(0.451),REML=TRUE,data=manu)
> Error in famType(glmFit$family) : unknown GLM family: 'Negative Binomial'
> Any idea about what happens ?
> Patrick

Oups. Sorry to reply to myself, but the answer was here:

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