To further explain my case..

am reproducing one of the examples.from one of contributors' guides..
here<- sex=="f"
plot(pcBfat[here]~ht[here], xlab = “Height”, ylab = “% Body fat”)
A condition is in "here",... I am not able to use a similar conditioning as
an argument to a function..

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Santosh <> wrote:

> Dear Rxperts!
> I was wondering if it is possible to write a function which can take in
> argument of a subset or condition.. Of course, I am aware of the alternate
> methods like coplot, par.plot, xyplot etc... I am specifically interested in
> using conditions/subsets with "plot"..
> A simple fragmented example is shown here..
> pltit <- function(y,x,dat,dat1,dat2,sbst) {
> plot(y~x, data=dat, subset=sbst)
> lines(y~x,data=dat1, subset=subst)
> points(y~x,data=dat2,subset=subst)
> }
> pltit(profit,weeks,dat=zone1, sbst='group==1&sales>200')
> Could you also suggest pointers/references/examples on efficient ways to
> plot simulated data overlaid with observed data?
> Have a good weekend!
> Thanx,
> Santosh

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