Cleber Borges wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to use the EBImage package,
(EBImage 3.2.0 and ImageMagick 6.5.7-9 2009-11-19 Q8 (dinamic linked) with R 2.10.0 winXP)
but I get the following error:

 > library(EBImage)
Loading required package: abind
 > ?readImage
 >  ## Reads and display images
 >         f = system.file("images", "lena-color.png", package="EBImage")
 > f
[1] "C:/R/library/EBImage/images/lena-color.png"
 >  x = readImage(f)
Warning message:
In readImage(f) : requested image not found or could not be loaded
 > x

Is there a way of to solve the problem? Or make a workaround? (but with no source code compilation)

Works for me with the same setup.
Are yiu sure the file exists on your machine and is uncorrupted. Do you have access and read permissions?

Uwe Ligges

Thanks for any reply!
Cleber Nogueira Borges

# only for information: GTK on winXP!
 > readImage() ### open a GTK windows dialog very well in winXP!
Error in readImage() : cancel pressed or no image could be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
In readImage() : requested image not found or could not be loaded


### PATH of windows xp system

C:\Documents and Settings\Cleber>path

C:\Documents and Settings\Cleber>convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.7-9 2009-11-19 Q8
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2009 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

### details about R session

 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)

[1] LC_COLLATE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252 LC_CTYPE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=Portuguese_Brazil.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=Portuguese_Brazil.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages:
[1] EBImage_3.2.0 abind_1.1-0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.10.0

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