What about this as a start :

dir.copy <- function( source = getwd(), target ){
        files <- list.files( source, recursive = TRUE )
        dirs  <- unique( gsub( "/[^/]+$", "", files[grepl("/", files)] ) )
        if( !file.exists( target ) ){
                dir.create( target )
        for( d in dirs){
                dir.create( file.path( target, d) , recursive = TRUE )
        for( f in files ){
                file.copy( file.path(source, f) , file.path( target, f ) )

# what I am copying :
> system( "tree" )
└── bar
    ├── blabla.txt
    ├── bla.txt
    └── foobar
        └── blabla.txt

2 directories, 3 files

> dir.copy( getwd(), "/tmp/target" )
> system( "tree /tmp/target" )
└── bar
    ├── blabla.txt
    ├── bla.txt
    └── foobar
        └── blabla.txt

2 directories, 3 files


On 12/11/2009 11:18 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

I'd use a shell() command to call xcopy or robocopy, or cp given you
have some unix tools installed.

Uwe Ligges

Paul Evans wrote:

I am using the windows version of R. I wanted to copy a directory
(containing several files) to another directory. Is there any command
in R that will let me do this (something like the 'cp' command in
UNIX)? I have looked at 'file.copy', but as the name implies I think
it only copies one file at a time.

Romain Francois
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