The primary reason is for development.
I do install via the traditional R CMD INSTALL (or variant) method,
but I want to keep the C code external from the R package.
In particular, I want to be able to modify the C code (and thus the
compiled .so library functions) without having to constantly re-
install the R package, or constantly copy the shared object library to
the /libs/ subdirectory in the R package directory.

The crux of the matter is that this seems do-able: it basically works
using dyn.load, just not easily with library.dynam, which is what
confuses me.
The vast majority of other UNIX-ish applications will somewhere allow
me to specify a non-standard library location, if needed
In many cases, this is done (in an ad-hoc, and thus unstable manner)
using LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but this doesn't seem to be working for me in
this instance.

On Jan 29, 4:53 pm, Seth Falcon <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 1/29/10 12:58 PM,MuratTasan wrote:
> > problem is, i haven't been able to do this yet.
> > my workaround is to constantly swap into myRPackage/libs/ directory a
> > version of the shared object library called, and load it
> > via the useDynLib(...) directive in the NAMESPACE file of the
> > package.  but this is cumbersome and doesn't allow other people to
> > have a single version of the R package to use as part of a team effort
> > to debug/test both the package's R code and my C code for the library
> > functions.
> > hopefully this makes a bit more sense, and if anyone has any tips on
> > how R actually loads shared objects it would be greatly appreciated.
> I'm afraid I don't have a solution for you.  Reading through your post,
> I'm confused about why you want to have your .so file outside of the
> package?
> Why not follow the usual scheme and R CMD INSTALL yourPkg with the
> version of R code and C code you want to use/test.  This would best
> allow other people to have a single version of the R package, no?
> + seth
> --
> Seth Falcon | @sfalcon |
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