The "inner components" of object are not accessible by name. You need to use the proper functions to retrieve or modify them. You are asked by the PostingGuide to show your code and be more specific about problems. Until you do so, that is about all anyone will be able to say about your mistakes.

On Mar 23, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Craig Woodward wrote:

Dear r-help users,

I have just downloaded the package vegan and I have problems accessing
the data to go through the examples in the tutorial. I can see the data
when I type "data()" but I am told that the data doesn't exist when I
type the name of one of the variables e.g.:


Error: object 'varespec' not found

I suspect this could be a way I have my files organised or that I have
not set a working directory? I am new to R so I suspect I have probably
made a simple mistake.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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