I have R 2.10.1 and 2.9.1 installed, and both have RMySQL packages

I script I'd developed using an older version (2.8.?, I think) used RMySQL
too and an older version of MySQL (5.0.?), and worked fine at that time
(about a year and a half ago +/- a month or two).

But now, when I run it again, on new data, the script works fine until it is
supposed to store its results in my DB.  In actuality, I have a perl script
that does an initial preparation of the data, and then invokes the R script
- all of which work fine).

The very last five lines of my script are:

con <-

The print statement works fine, and shows me the results I expected.  But
library(RMySQL) fails, which makes all the rest of the lines fail.  The
command and error message is:

> library(RMySQL);
> Error in fun(...) :
>   A MySQL Registry key was found but the folder C:\Program
> Files\MySQL\MySQL Administrator 1.1\/. doesn't contain a bin or lib/opt
> folder. That's where we need to find libmySQL.dll.
> Error : .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'RMySQL'
> Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RMySQL'

It IS true that the folder C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Administrator 1.1\/.
doesn't contain a bin or lib/opt folder (There is no trailing 'V' in that
path name!).  However, libmySQL.dll actually is there in 'C:\Program
Files\MySQL\MySQL Administrator 1.1'.   It is also true that MySQL 5.0.67
(community edition) is installed and all the related tools (administrator,
browser, &c.) work just fine.  (NB: I never touch the registry unless
absolutely necessary, so I don't know what R is looking at in there or if
some misbehaved install program left bogus data there for R to find.)

The question is, why is R looking in the wrong place for this DLL and what
is the best way to solve this problem?

I know a quick and dirty solution, to work around this, is to create that
path and put a copy of the DLL there, but that does not strike me as
adequate.  I would expect that to possibly generate problems the next time I
upgrade MySQL.

So, then, what would you recommend?



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