Hi r-users,
I would like to overlap a smooth line on the histogram.  I tried using spline 
but it does not work.

sq     <- seq(0,900,by=50)
sq.50  <- as.character(sq)
datobs <- sum_pos
## first, plot histogram 
histo <- hist(datobs,breaks=sq,freq=F)
## extract counts from histogram and calculate the probability in 
## each specified interval. Also check the length of the interval is 
## the same with the length of the fitted model.
hct   <- c(0,histo$counts)/length(datobs)
## use barplot and lines to overlap the observed and fitted data
> y <- pdf_formula.2*50
 [1] 0.000000e+00 2.422196e-01 2.445114e-01 1.826918e-01 1.236800e-01 
7.965830e-02 4.978001e-02 3.048459e-02 1.839873e-02
[10] 1.098342e-02 6.500920e-03 3.821499e-03 2.233833e-03 1.299656e-03 
7.531443e-04 4.349116e-04 2.494558e-04 1.365303e-04
[19] 6.142313e-05
barplot.x.location <- 
barplot(hct, ylim=c(0,0.25),col="yellowgreen", 
main="Observed data and fitted gamma sum", 
xlab="Rainfall (mm)", ylab="Relative frequency",
names.arg = sq.50, axisnames = TRUE, axis.lty=1,
cex.axis= 0.8,cex.names= 0.8, xaxs='i', yaxs='i')
lines(x = barplot.x.location, y = pdf_formula.2*50, 
       col = "red", pch = 7, lwd=3, cex.axis= 0.7)
Thank you for any help given.

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