
sedm1000 wrote:
Sorry - I figured that this to be a more common defined error than anything
specific to the data/function...  Thanks for looking at this.

The data and function are below. Creating a single line of the data.frame at
a time will work (i.e. fold(s))

For multiple line data.frames, an error is generated. Ideally I would like
to record the output from fold(sq) in a two column data.frame, whether it
requires reading in the data to fold one line at a time or in bulk.

[1] "...((((........))))......"

[1] -2.3


Error in fold(sq) : STRING_ELT() can only be applied to a 'character vector', not a 'list'

struct <- t(as.data.frame(sapply(sq[,1], fold, t=37)))

Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
 STRING_ELT() can only be applied to a 'character vector', not a 'integer'

This appears to be a Bioconductor package, so if this doesn't help, I'd ask on the specific bioconductor mailing list. I don't have the package installed, so take the following advice with that in mind.

Did you look at the str(sq) ? It is not a character vector, it is a factor, so you might need to convert or see stringsAsFactors in ?options.


lapply(sq[, 1], function(x) fold(as.character(x)))

If that doesn't work, try the other list.

Good luck,

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