Dear Beloitstudent;

Although Ben Bolker will have to give you the definitive answer, the following will do what I think you want to do.

library(plotrix)   #for those of us who don't know where plotCI comes from
#give us the data:

Saline <- structure(list(Time = c(-20L, NA, 30L, 45L, 60L, 80L, 110L, 140L,
200L, 260L, 320L), Average = c(0, NA, 0, 3.227902, 5.066664,
6.107491, 6.968231, 7.325713, 7.875194, 6.513927, 4.204342),
    SEM = c(0, NA, 0, 0.7462524, 1.1623944, 1.5027762, 1.3799637,
    1.2282053, 1.1185175, 0.5386359, 0.6855906)), .Names = c("Time",
"Average", "SEM"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2",
"3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"))

# First  draw the  points
plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], err="y","bg"),pch=21, cex=1.5 ,gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
xlim=c(-20,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,17), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,12),
 yaxp=c(0,12,12), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (µg/mL)", las=1,
font.lab=2)    #draws the points

plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], err="y","bg"),pch=21, cex=1.5 ,gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
xlim=c(-20,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,17), ylim=c(0,12),
yaxp=c(0,12,12), las=1,
font.lab=2,add=TRUE,type="o")   #puts the lines in and gives a message

You will get a warning message the type is obsolete, but at least you have your graph.


At 3:51 PM -0700 6/5/10, beloitstudent wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-length: 4586

Thanks for the suggestion...but R still doesn't like it.  Now I have 3 error
messages.  It seems to dislike my *err=y* command.  I'm going to continue
trying.  Thanks for your help!  If you happen to spot anything else, please
let me know!


On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joris FA Meys [via R] <<>

 you can't refer to an argument within a function call. Try

 uiw <- Saline[,3]

 plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=uiw, liw=uiw, err=y, pch=21,"bg"), cex=1.5, lty=1, type="o", gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
 xlim=c(-21,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,11), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,12),
 yaxp=c(0,12,11), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (µg/mL)", las=1,
 font.lab=2, add=TRUE)


On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 6:09 PM, beloitstudent <[hidden email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=2244611&i=0>>

 > Hello all,
 > I am an undergraduate student who is having syntax issues trying to get
 > error bars on my graph.
 > This is the data, which I assigned the name "Saline" to.
 >  Time       Average       SEM
 > 1   -20      0.000000     0.0000000
 > 2
 > 3    30      0.000000     0.0000000
 > 4    45      3.227902     0.7462524
 > 5    60      5.066664     1.1623944
 > 6    80      6.107491     1.5027762
 > 7   110     6.968231     1.3799637
 > 8   140     7.325713     1.2282053
 > 9   200     7.875194     1.1185175
 > 10  260    6.513927     0.5386359
 > 11  320    4.204342     0.6855906
 > This is the command that I typed in to get my error bars.
 > plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], liw=uiw, err=y,
 >"bg"), cex=1.5, lty=1, type="o", gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
 > xlim=c(-21,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,11), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,12),
 > yaxp=c(0,12,11), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (µg/mL)", las=1,
 > font.lab=2, add=TRUE)
 > And this is the error message I keep getting
 > Error in plotCI(x = Saline[, 1], y = Saline[, 2], uiw = Saline[, 3], liw
 > uiw,  :
 >  object 'uiw' not found
 > In addition: Warning message:
 > In if (err == "y") z <- y else z <- x :
 >  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
 > Now, to me, the command seems correct.
 > I want the error bars to show up where the points on my graph
 the x
 > coordinates should be my time (aka Saline [1]) and the y coordinates
 > should
 > be my Averages (aka Saline [2])  and my upper and lower limits to my
 > confidence interval should be the SEM from Saline [3], but something is
 > wrong with this and I cannot figure out what it is.  If anyone has
 > suggestions I would be very grateful.  Thanks for your help!
 > beloitstudent
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