I have a parameter vector, ibeta, and a corresponding vector of loglikelihoods, llbet. If llbet contains no NAs or Inf's then I can extract the best parameter by

index <- order(-llbet)[1]
beta <- ibeta[index]

or similar. The argument na.last of order() allows me to fix this up even if llbet contains some NAs which I wish to ignore.

Unfortunately my llbet contains Inf's, which are not points of infinite likelihood, if anything they should be -Inf's. Anyway na.last does not seem to help me with these. What should I do?

Dr Murray Jorgensen http://www.stats.waikato.ac.nz/Staff/maj.html
Department of Statistics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax 7 838 4155
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