Dear all,

The version 1.0 of ape (analysis of phylogenetics and evolution) is now on CRAN. The jump from version 0.2-1 to 1.0 is explained by the fact that the initial objectives of the project have been completed. The relevant part of the Changes file is shown below. All comments, suggestions, or bug reports are welcome.

Emmanuel Paradis



    o Two new functions, read.dna() and write.dna(), read/write in a file
      DNA sequences in interleaved or in sequential format.

    o Two new functions, and, read/write trees
      in a NEXUS file.

    o The new function bind.tree() allows to bind two trees together,
      possibly handling root edges to give internal branches.

    o The new function drop.tip() removes the tips in a phylogenetic tree,
      and trims (or not) the corresponding internal branches.

o The new function is.ultrametric() tests if a tree is ultrametric.

    o The function plot.phylo() has more functionalities such as drawing the
      branches with different colours and/or different widths, showing the
      node labels, controling the position and font of the labels, rotating
      the labels, and controling the space around the plot.

    o The function read.tree() can now read trees with no branch length,
      such as "(a,b),c);". Consequently, the element `edge.length' in
      objects of class "phylo" is now optional.

    o The function write.tree() has a new default behaviour: if the default
      for the option `file' is used (i.e. file = ""), then a variable of
      mode character containing the tree in Newick format is returned which
      can thus be assigned (e.g., tree <- write.tree(phy)).

    o The function read.tree() has a new argument `text' which allows
      to read the tree in a variable of mode character.

    o A new data set is included: the phylogenetic relationships among
      the orders of birds from Sibley and Ahlquist (1990).

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