Should that be sep="\t" ?

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, sabrina servanty wrote:

> Dear all,
> I was used to work on R1.6 and I have now passed on R1.6.2 but I can't read my
> file (and that is a big problem!!).
> I made a data sheet with some
> spreadsheet in Excell, and save it as separeted by tab .txt.
> I write in R
> read.table ("file.txt",h=T,sep="/t",dec=",")
> But R consider that I have only one column (eG one variable)!!!
> I have tried a lot of thing (I don't wrote the spreadsheet,I have verified in word
> that my column was really separated by tabulation...) but I really don't find.
> It may be really simple but I'm not really good to speak with R!
> Regards
> Sabrina Servanty.
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