On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 07:59:00 -0500, Shawn Way <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

>Is there a reason that the bottom axis changes color when POSIX data is used
>in plot function?

It's the old problem of too much of ... being passed onwards.  Here's
the current definition:

plot.POSIXct <- function (x, y, xlab = "", xaxt = par("xaxt"), ...) 
    axisInt <- function(x, main, sub, xlab, ylab, ...) axis.POSIXct(1,
        x, ...)
    plot.default(x, y, xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ...)
    if (xaxt != "n") 
        axisInt(x, ...)

The "col" argument is being passed to axisInt, but it should have been
intercepted.  Here's one way to intercept it:

plot.POSIXct <- function (x, y, xlab = "", xaxt = par("xaxt"), col =
par("col"), ...) 
    axisInt <- function(x, main, sub, xlab, ylab, ...) axis.POSIXct(1,
        x, ...)
    plot.default(x, y, xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, col = col, ...)
    if (xaxt != "n") 
        axisInt(x, ...)

However, this would still mess up if "lty" or "lwd" were specified;
are there others?

>I assume that the work around is to place the box and axis after the plot is
>created, correct?

That's another way.

Duncan Murdoch

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