On 7/11, I replied to one of your earlier posts on this problem wiht the following:

chemYield <-
function(a, x)(a[1]+(a[3]-a[2])/(1+exp(-a[2]*(x-a[4]))

This can be used in "optim" but not "nls". Mimicking an example in the documentation for "nls" (package nls), I suspect the following should work:

yield.fit <- nls( y ~ a + (c.-a)/(1+exp(-b*(x-m))),
                       data = yield.data.frame,
                       start = list( a= 0, c.=2, b= 1, m=4 ),
                       trace = TRUE )

where "y" and "x" are columns of "yield.data.frame. [Note: I suggest you avoid using reserved words like "c": "c" is a function in R. R is smart enough to distinguish between a function "c" and a non-function object in many contexts. However, I try to avoid relying on this. Note that here I changed your "c" to "c.".]

Have you tried something like these two? I suggest you try them both with a very simple toy example with 4 or 5 observations. If you can't get both of them to work, please submit the data with your failed attempts and the resulting error message(s). With that detail, someone else will likely be able to respond in seconds. Without it, we may no be able to help you. We've been at this almost a week and still do not have the problem solved largely because people like me are shooting in the dark: We can't figure out what you are missing, and you aren't providing enough detail to help us see the gap.

hope this helps. spencer graves

Andrea Calandra wrote:

I'm student in biomedical engineer and i have to solve this formula
for immuno-assay. I need to design a calibration curve

But i don't understand How can i write this formula in R language:
y = a + (c - a) /(1+ e[-b(x-m])

x = ln(analyte dose + 1)
y = the optical absorbance data
a = the curves top asymptote
b = the slope of the curve
c = the curves bottom asymptote
m = the curve X intercept

I have to calculate the parameters (a,b,c,m).After with X that i know
i calculate the Y.

Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 19:30:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Andrea Calandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Info

Andrea, if you only have five data points, it will be very difficult to
fit all those parameters so they give a unique solution. If you want to
fit all of your parameters at once, you need many more data points.

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Andrea Calandra wrote:

downloaded the R Language, it's very good!
but i have a question

i have Five point with X and Y that know (concentration and

optical density) how can interpolate the curve


y = a + (c - a) /(1+ e[-b(x-m])

x = ln(analyte dose + 1)
y = the optical absorbance data
a = the curves top asymptote
b = the slope of the curve
c = the curves bottom asymptote
m = the curve X intercept

Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 11:11:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Andrea Calandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Info

Did you find a solution yet? I am sorry for the delay in


the July 4th weekend is a big holiday here. It is the day


our independence from England.

Do you still need help?

On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, Andrea Calandra wrote:

i take your name on the web!
thank you

Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 11:05:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Andrea Calandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Info


May I ask how you got my name? Thank you.

On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Andrea Calandra wrote:


I'm a student in chemical engineering at university



and i have to implement an algoritm about FIVE PARAMETERS


for a calibration curve (dose, optical density)

y = a + (c - a) /(1+ e[-b(x-m])

x = ln(analyte dose + 1)
y = the optical absorbance data
a = the curves top asymptote
b = the slope of the curve
c = the curves bottom asymptote
m = the curve X intercept

Have you never seen this formula, because i don't fine



lecterature about solution of this!!!

Can i help me
Andrea Calandra

thank you

T. Rick Fletcher - http://www.chem.uidaho.edu/~fletcher/
Associate professor of chemistry | That's Idaho, not


| ad hominem
University of Idaho | Upper Left Hand


| ad hominem
Moscow, ID 83844-2343 | No, I don't grow


| ad hominem

T. Rick Fletcher   -   http://www.chem.uidaho.edu/~fletcher/
Associate professor of chemistry  |  That's Idaho, not Iowa.
  | ad hominem
University of Idaho               |  Upper Left Hand Corner.
  | ad hominem
Moscow, ID 83844-2343             |  No, I don't grow potatoes.
| ad hominem

T. Rick Fletcher - http://www.chem.uidaho.edu/~fletcher/
Associate professor of chemistry | That's Idaho, not Iowa. | ad hominem
University of Idaho | Upper Left Hand Corner. | ad hominem
Moscow, ID 83844-2343 | No, I don't grow potatoes. | ad hominem

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