Dear r-helpers,

I have been trying to invoke R from Java in a Windows 2000 computer (unfortunately). All my environment variables seem to be properly set, everything seems to be in order, but I obtaining a

Fatal error: unable to open the base package

error window.

Also, the output of the invoker is

Loading RInterpreter library
R_HOME: R_HOME=C:/Programas/R
RVersion: R_VERSION=1.6.1

whereas I have installed the 1.7.1 version.

Some time ago I found a number of messages by another person facing the same problems and he said that when R was invoked directly, it could properly read the R_HOME variable, but when invoked from Java, it searched for the base package in the wrong place (a subdirectory of the jre, if my memory is to be trusted). I believe he finally solved his problem fixing this "bug", but, I insist, I have not been able to find his message again anywhere and I could be totally misled at this point.

Has anybody faced the same problem and knows a way to fix it?


Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Sigma Consultores Estadísticos

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