
Thank you so much for all your rapid answers. I am impressed.

What i didn't know was that i have to assign my data to an object 
to work further on. It was not clear from the help (at least for me) 
that 'data()' itself is calling data already in R packages. All of you 
make that clear.

Now, if you can suggest any good package to use for identifying 
outliers it will be great ;-)) 

Hopefully from now one, since i understood how i am using the 
examples, what 'data()' means and how i am using my own data, i 
will put less trivial questions.

thank you so much indeed,


Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy
University of Manchester
School of Geography
Mansfield Cooper Building 
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK. 

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