Oops, forgot the attachment.

On Friday 05 September 2003 12:45 pm, Deepayan Sarkar wrote:

> The prepanel function returns separate limits for x and y axes. This does
> not translate to splom, since each limit is used on both the x and y axes.
> However, it is natural to add a new optional argument, which would be a
> function that would decide on the limits for each variable in the data
> frame, to be used as both x and y limits. This feature was missing till
> now, but I have added something for the next release (source() the attached
> file to use it), which will allow you to do:
> splom(log(1+DF),
>       prepanel.limits = function(x) c(0, 15),
>       panel = function(x, y, ... ) {
>           panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
>       })

panel.pairs <-
    function(z, panel = "panel.splom", groups = NULL,
             pscales = 5,
             panel.number = 0,  ## should always be supplied
             prepanel.limits = function(x) extend.limits(range(as.numeric(x), na.rm = 
    panel <- 
        if (is.function(panel)) panel 
        else if (is.character(panel)) get(panel)
        else eval(panel)

    axis.line <- trellis.par.get("axis.line")
    axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text")
    n.var <- ncol(z)

    if(n.var>0) {
        ## there must be a better way to do the foll:
        lim <- list(1:n.var)
        for(i in 1:n.var) {
            lim[[i]] <- prepanel.limits(z[,i])
        ## should be further complicated by allowing for customization by
        ## prepanel functions --- prepanel(z[i], z[j]) etc
    ## maybe (ideally) this should be affected by scales

    draw <- is.list(pscales) || (is.numeric(pscales) && pscales!=0) # whether axes to 
be drawn

    splom.layout <- grid.layout(nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)

    if (n.var > 0 && any(subscripts)) {


        for(i in 1:n.var)
            for(j in 1:n.var)
                push.viewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = n.var-i+1,
                                       layout.pos.col = j,
                                       clip = TRUE,
                                       ##gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize.small),
                                       xscale = lim[[j]],
                                       yscale = lim[[i]]))

                if(i == j)
                    if (!is.null(colnames(z)))
                    ##gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
                    if (draw) {
                        ## plot axes

                        if (is.factor(z[,i])) {
                            axls <- 1:nlevels(z[,i])
                            nal <- length(axls)/2+.5

                            for(tt in seq(along=axls)) {
                                if(tt <= nal) {
                                    grid.lines(y = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               x = unit(c(1,1),"npc") - unit(c(0,.25), 
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = levels(z[,i])[tt],
                                              x = unit(1,"npc") - unit(.5, "lines"),
                                              y = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("right", "centre"))
                                    grid.lines(x = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               y = unit(c(0,.25), "lines"),
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = levels(z[,i])[tt],
                                              rot = 90,
                                              y = unit(0.5, "lines"),
                                              x = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("left", "centre"))
                                if(tt >=nal) {
                                    grid.lines(y = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               x = unit(c(0,0.25), "lines"),
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = levels(z[,i])[tt],
                                              x = unit(0.5, "lines"),
                                              y = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("left", "centre"))
                                    grid.lines(x = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               y = unit(c(1,1),"npc") - unit(c(0,.25), 
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = levels(z[,i])[tt], rot = 90,
                                              y = unit(1,"npc") - unit(.5, "lines"),
                                              x = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("right", "centre"))
                        else {
                            axls <-
                                if (is.list(pscales) && !is.null(pscales[[i]]$at))
                                    lpretty(lim[[i]], n = pscales)

                            labels <-
                                if (is.list(pscales) && !is.null(pscales[[i]]$lab))
                            ## should be rendered like factors ?

                            axid <- axls>lim[[i]][1] & axls <lim[[i]][2]
                            axls <- axls[axid]
                            labels <- labels[axid]
                            nal <- length(axls)/2+.5

                            for(tt in seq(along=axls)) {
                                if(tt <= nal) {
                                    grid.lines(y = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               x = unit(c(1,1),"npc") - unit(c(0,.25), 
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = labels[tt],
                                              x = unit(1,"npc") - unit(.5, "lines"),
                                              y = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("right", "centre"))
                                    grid.lines(x = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               y = unit(c(0,.25), "lines"),
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = labels[tt],
                                              y = unit(0.5, "lines"),
                                              x = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("centre", "bottom"))
                                if(tt >=nal) {
                                    grid.lines(y = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               x = unit(c(0,0.25), "lines"),
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = labels[tt],
                                              x = unit(0.5, "lines"),
                                              y = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("left", "centre"))
                                    grid.lines(x = unit(rep(axls[tt],2), "native"),
                                               y = unit(c(1,1),"npc") - unit(c(0,.25), 
                                               gp = gpar(col = axis.line$col))
                                    grid.text(label = labels[tt],
                                              y = unit(1,"npc") - unit(.5, "lines"),
                                              x = unit(axls[tt], "native"),
                                              just = c("centre", "top"))


                    pargs <-
                        if (!panel.subscripts)
                            c(list(x = as.numeric(z[subscripts, j]),
                                   y = as.numeric(z[subscripts, i]),
                                   panel.number = panel.number),
                            c(list(x = as.numeric(z[subscripts, j]),
                                   y = as.numeric(z[subscripts, i]),
                                   groups = groups,
                                   subscripts = subscripts,
                                   panel.number = panel.number),

                    if (!("..." %in% names(formals(panel))))
                        pargs <- pargs[names(formals(panel))]
                    do.call("panel", pargs)


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