Depending on your version of Word that simply is *not* true!

I can't test this here (I now have Word XP/2002) but my colleagues have Word 97 on their college-supplied service (yes, really!) and despite not being able to see a preview, they can quite happily import eps files I have produced during the course of my work. Admitedly a blank box in word is not the most user-friendly thing to work with, but this old version of Word will happily deal with the postscript produced.

Having used Word 2000 and XP during the course of writing a PhD thesis that used R-generated plots extensively, I know first hand how easy it is to deal with eps files from R in Word.

My setup involves using Ghostscript/GSView on Windows XP to view the eps plots I produce in R and then import them into Word XP (the eps filter now seems to add a preview for you), but if you have an earlier word version, GSView can easily add a preview for you.

Also, onefile = TRUE does *not* produce eps files.

I quote from ?postscript :

 onefile: logical: if true (the default) allow multiple figures in one
          file.  If false, generate a file name containing the page
          number and use an EPSF header and no `DocumentMedia' comment.

It is a bit confusing, but onefile = TRUE is for producing multi-page postscript documents, i.e. put all the plots to follow into a single postscript doc with (possibly) more than a single page.

I know a number of people have suggested using a windows metafile. Whilst this might offer a solution to your problem, unless you are using a very-out-of-date version of Word I cannot see the advantages of using metafiles over postscript.



Karim Elsawy wrote:

it seems that word can not read encapsupalted postscripts generated by R
I used this command

since onefile=TRUE produces an encapsualted postscript

actually what I'm trying to do is to insert the postsript file into a
word document
since other formats like jpeg and bmp do not reproduce the same quality
like postscript

any suggestions are very much appreciated Karim

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