>>>>> "juli" == juli g pausas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>     on Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:54:08 +0100 writes:

    juli> Dear colleges,
    juli> I'm trying to combine a barplot and a plot in a single figure as follows:

    juli> data <- 1:6
    juli> t <- barplot(data, axes=F)
    juli> par(new= T)
    juli> plot(t, data, type="b")

    juli> However, as you can see in the example, the dots of
    juli> the second plot do not fall in the midpoint of the
    juli> bars in the first. Any trick for setting the 2 plots
    juli> at the same scale?

yes, use

   bd <- barplot(data)
   points(bd, data, type = "b")

A general recommendation: 
   Try to *not* use par(new = TRUE) if you can.


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