
as the one who wrote the RExcel package let me add something to the discussion.

Thomas Baier's R (D)COM package tries to use "native" Windows
data types to be as fast as possible.
My RExcel package has the following philosophy:
Offer R functions to people who "think spreadsheet".
One way of describing it is:
You can have an R process living in each cell of the spreadsheet,
and the output of R we want to deal with hast to be compatible with the
spreadsheet structure. That is the reason for the restriction to
Spreadsheets (NOT the embedded programming language)
do not know about objects.

Somewhat oversimplifying one might say:
RExcel brings R computation to the spreadsheet,
and RDCOM brings R objects to VBA.

Erich Neuwirth

David James wrote:

Hi Joel,

You may want to take a look at the RDCOM implementation at
http://www.omegahat.org/RDCOMServer.  We've had very good
experience with it.


Joel Pitt wrote:

Hi there,

I'm currently trying to use R in an automated
macro with Excel, and to this effect I've been
using the D(COM) server.

However I've been having alot of problems with
it, because it seems to be limited to only recieving
and sending arrays. I've been struggling
trying to find a way to receive model summaries
from R to put in Excel. I also seem to have
some strange errors coming up...
I've tried doing everything I want directly in R
by hand, and it has been fine, but excel seems to
complicate everything :(

Any people have suggestions?


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