Dear Julii,

I think it would be appropriate for you to:

1) consider how much other users of this list need to know how you are 
feeling this morning;

2) read and follow the recommendation at the foot of list messages, to 
wit: "PLEASE do read the posting guide!";

By reading R documentation, you would note that a common reason for not 
finding functions may be that you have not said for example library(MASS) 
first. The function you are seeking to use is documented in MASS the book 
by Venables and Ripley, which I expect that you have read and value. 

Although you may not find it easy to use the central Unix resource at your 
university, on which R may not be updated as regularly as it should be, I 
feel that researchers also have some responsibilities for their own tools, 
and would suggest you install a local copy on a machine you yourself 
administer on an operating system of your choice, and keep that copy up to 
date. You will also find that R objects save()ed on the central resource 
can readily be moved to a local system for analysis, so that responsible 
research is still possible even in inclement institutional environments. 
Since collaborative work in open source communities is based on people 
working together, I hope that you will consider contributing when you have 
something to offer.

Stating the R version you have problems with, and giving enough detail to
let the package maintainer (in this case Prof. Ripley) re-create the
setting in which the problem occurred is a minimal offering for a report
to be helpful. 

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It is a pity that both times I have tried to use R  and the R-mailing
> list that I received unpleasant replies, esp. coming from Ripley
> himself this time.  Last time I simply asked "Why would I want to
> use R over Splus??"  Which provoked some apologies that I wasn't to 
> know that this would touch a nerve, in addition to a volume of ranting
> and raving.  At least Ripley's reply wasn't vitriolic.  
> I did not install R.  I wouldn't even try.  It's available centrally 
> running on a Unix machine.  Trying to access glm.nb() at the R prompt
> leads to these replies from R:
> >glm.nb
> Error: "glm.nb" Object not found
> >
> Which is why I though I could just ask for the simple text
> function code, type it in, correct typos, make it work, fool-proof, 
> low hassle....  Hahahahahahahhaa.
> I don't have root priveleges and unashamedly
> admit to not having the ability to install either MASS or the
> negbin shell archive library (I spent many frustrating failed hours last
> time I tried to do that).  I didn't realise R was only for software 
> whizzes.  Now I know!
> Investment in people is not my employer's strong suit.  Seems to come
> with university environments.  Some of us aren't that important -- except
> as convenient targets for being belittled, of course.
> Maybe the employer will fork out for me to learn Stata and Limdep 
> instead, eh?  At least the user-support-groups & might be friendlier.  
> I had foolishly thought that the R community, having an ethos of self-
> sufficiency, might be friendlier and more responsive than going 
> via the Splus list.  Boy am I stupid or what?
> -Julii
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93

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