1. Have you considered parameterizing the problem in terms of (Theta1, Theta2, Theta3), and then computing Theta4 <- (1-Theta1-Theta2-Theta3) in the function you ask "optim" to optimize?

2. Beyond this, I don't understand what you are trying to do. Do you want to estimate a multinomial approximation to a normal distribution? If yes, are you given the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution PLUS the break points? If yes, then what about the following:

> Breaks <- 1:3
> Mean <- 0
> Sd <- 1
> Theta1 <- pnorm((Breaks[1]-Mean)/Sd)
> Theta2 <- (pnorm((Breaks[2]-Mean)/Sd)-Theta1)
> Theta3 <- (pnorm((Breaks[3]-Mean)/Sd)-Theta2)
> Theta4 <- pnorm((Breaks[3]-Mean)/Sd, lower.tail=FALSE)
> Breaks <- 1:3
> Mean <- 0
> Sd <- 1
> Theta1 <- pnorm((Breaks[1]-Mean)/Sd)
> Theta2 <- (pnorm((Breaks[2]-Mean)/Sd)-Theta1)
> Theta3 <- (pnorm((Breaks[3]-Mean)/Sd)-Theta2)
> Theta4 <- pnorm((Breaks[3]-Mean)/Sd, lower.tail=FALSE)
> Theta1;Theta2;Theta3;Theta4
[1] 0.8413447
[1] 0.1359051
[1] 0.862745
[1] 0.001349898

      hope this helps.  spencer graves

Dean Lee wrote:

I am trying to do parameter estimation with optim, but I can't get it to work quite right-- I have an equation X = Y where X is a gaussian, Y is a multinomial distribution, and I am trying to estimate the probabilities of Y( the mean and sd of X are known ), Theta1, Theta2, Theta3, and Theta4; I do not know how I can specify the constraint that Theta1 + Theta2 + Theta3 + Theta4 = 1 in optim. Is there another method/package that I should use for this?
Also, I wonder if there's a more elegant way to code this equation in R; right now my function looks something like Y/rnorm( 10000, mean, sd), and I try to maximize it to 1; is it possible to "plug" the entire gaussian( instead of using rnorm ) into the equation? Thanks.



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