Is there an easy way of converting an aov.summary into a matrix in which
the rows are the factor names and the columns are Df, Sum Sq, Mean Sq, F
value and Pr. 

For example, convert 

            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
block        5 343.29   68.66  4.4467 0.015939 * 
N            1 189.28  189.28 12.2587 0.004372 **
P            1   8.40    8.40  0.5441 0.474904   
K            1  95.20   95.20  6.1657 0.028795 * 
N:P          1  21.28   21.28  1.3783 0.263165   
N:K          1  33.14   33.14  2.1460 0.168648   
P:K          1   0.48    0.48  0.0312 0.862752   
Residuals   12 185.29   15.44                    
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1


Factor      Df Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value   Pr
block        5 343.29   68.66  4.4467 0.015939
N            1 189.28  189.28 12.2587 0.004372
P            1   8.40    8.40  0.5441 0.474904   
K            1  95.20   95.20  6.1657 0.028795
N:P          1  21.28   21.28  1.3783 0.263165   
N:K          1  33.14   33.14  2.1460 0.168648   
P:K          1   0.48    0.48  0.0312 0.862752   
Residuals   12 185.29   15.44    NA      NA

   - Moises

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