R Version 1.9.1  (2004-06-21)
Mac OS X.3.5 Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5

I have a data.frame comprising percentiles with the column headings containing % characters, e.g.
> (pp <- colnames(temp2))
[1] "5%" "10%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "90%" "95%"
I use xtable to convert the data.frame to Latex but I want to protect these % signs from Latex using a backslash in the normal way before calling xtable.
I have tried using gsub as follows;
> gsub("\%","\\%",pp)
[1] "5%" "10%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "90%" "95%"
> gsub("%","\134%",pp) #octal for backslash
[1] "5%" "10%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "90%" "95%"
Both of which fail to provide what I need.

I verified  my 'regexps' using awk under Darwin thus;
$ cat fred
"5%"  "10%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "90%" "95%"
$ awk '{gsub(/%/,"\\%"); print}' <fred
"5\%"  "10\%" "25\%" "50\%" "75\%" "90\%" "95\%"
$ awk '{gsub(/%/,"\134%"); print}' <fred
"5\%"  "10\%" "25\%" "50\%" "75\%" "90\%" "95\%"

As a possble 'work around', I noticed that,
> chartr("z","\",gsub("%","z%",pp))
Error: syntax error
> chartr("z","\\",gsub("%","z%",pp))
[1] "5\\%"  "10\\%" "25\\%" "50\\%" "75\\%" "90\\%" "95\\%"
> chartr("z","\134",gsub("%","z%",pp))
[1] "5\\%"  "10\\%" "25\\%" "50\\%" "75\\%" "90\\%" "95\\%"

As the xtable is then 'catted' to a file and read back (vide infra) I actually end up with what I want using the latter example.
However I am very much left with the feeling that R is in control of me rather than vise versa.

Secondly, as I am building up a character vector of sentences, tables and figures, I wanted to convert my xtable output to a character vector with newline
separators. I have only able to accomplish this by printing to a temporary file thus,

theTx <- "\\documentclass[A4paper,10pt]{article}"
theTx <- paste(theTx, paste_xtable(temp2,"Percentiles for scores"), sep = "")
theTx <- paste(theTx,"\n" ,"\\end{document}","\n", sep = "")
cat(theTx) #into a file for Latex

############## with my past_xtable function being ##########
paste_xtable <- function(a_table, cap) {
sink(file = "levzz", append = FALSE, type = "output")
#read it  back
temp <- readLines("levzz", n=-1) #note / get doubled automaticaly
unlink("levzz") #delete file
a <- "\n"
for (i in 1:length(temp)) {
        a <- paste(a,temp[i],"\n",sep = "")

I should be most grateful for a more elegant solutions to both these issues or a pointer to the documentation.


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