Dear all,

I need some help on matrix design and B statistics by using limma package.
I want to compare gene expression in 2 groups of cDNA samples.
The experiment compares 4 treated mice(#1,#2,#3,#4) and 4 control mice

The target file is
FileName     Cy3           Cy5   Control_#5   Treat_#1   Treat_#1     Control_#5   Control_#6   Treat_#2   Treat_#3     Control_#7   Control_#8   Treat_#4

The first slide ( and the second slide( are
dye-swap. There is no common reference. There are 3 replicated spots of
each gene on each array (384 genes in total).

MA is an object of class marrayNorm, below is what I did.
>design <- c(1,-1,1,-1,1)
>cor <- duplicateCorrelation(MA,design,ndups=3)
     [1] 0.506
>fit <- lmFit(MA,design,ndups=3,correlation=cor$consensus.correlation)
>fit <- eBayes(fit)
The result is,

ID      M       A       t       P.Value B
348     -1.3    10.8    -3.98   0.577   -4.47
371     -1.91   11.5    -3.36   0.577   -4.47
172     -2.56   13.4    -3.36   0.577   -4.47
273     -0.98   10.3    -3.22   0.577   -4.48

It seems this is no evidence of differential expression. But if I use the
first three slides to do analysis, design <- c(1,-1,1),the result is good,
B>5, P.Value is very small. I am wondering if my design matrix is right?

Many thanks in advance and best regards.

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